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Rapyd Bytes: Checkout Page with FX
In this video, you’ll learn how to Create a Checkout Page with FX using EUR (Euros) and MXN (Mexican Pesos) and SGD (Singapore Dollars) and MXN.
hello and welcome to Rapid bites today we’re going to look at how to create a checkout page with FX rapid is an API first company and here in Rapid bytes we’ll show you how to work with our API to accept hold and disperse funds anywhere using local payment methods be sure to check out our developer community in the link below you can post a comment in the thread below or go on the rapid developer community and ask anything fintech or related to that rapid API thanks for watching again we’re going to be generating a hosted
checkout page with FX using the rapid API this means as you generate a hosted checkout page which is PCI Compliant the buyer pays in one currency and you receive funds in another this can help you accept cross-border payments while you can choose to receive funds in a currency and offer a number of local payment methods for a local payment experience for the customer I’m on the rapid uh API reference page here in docs this is the create page checkout uh to create checkout page request and a bunch of relevant
information here here is the body parameters and the required parameters will go in here in the request body and then the response is you want to look for uh that requests marked FX and then the response is here I’m going to move forward to a couple really important fields that you’ll want to know fixed side so this is the buy and sell exchange for FX we do have uh some content on this some blogs explaining this so I can post that below you you will want to know this I will just speak on not on just preferences on what a maybe
a traveler or a customer should do or are you as a merchant but it does affect another field in which I’ll explain and it does affect often what payment methods are displayed and so if you choose buy for example there’s going to be I’d like to think as bias almost first um and choosing that that first currency or before a lot of uh the payment methods will just be card for buy or it’ll be a lot less than if you choose sell um there’s going to be a lot more vast payment methods but there are still a
ton you can choose from and so the just reading the example for by a us-based merchant they want to charge so they’re going to charge this 100 USD the buyer customer pays that the amount in Mexican pesos and converts that uh to USD so that conversion is is almost happening before with buy and then sell the checkout page shows uh the currency um that buyer is charged with uh to purchase goods or services from from the seller of course what they’re going to present uh the example is USB each Merchant now wants to charge 2 000
Mexican pesos and will accept whatever amount in USD that is converted into from 2000 Mexican pesos so that um you can see that conversion of course buying and selling it you know can vary with the market but again this will affect uh what payment methods are displayed I want to head to requested currency now this becomes uh basically the important one uh when it is fixed side seller fixed Side by so uh for fixed side cell when you look at requested currency it is the currency received by the merchant so it is the requested currency by the
merchant and that’s what will go into their uh wallet or the client wallet any requested wallet that they Mark and then when it’s fixed Side by it’s the currency charge to the buyer and now this becomes really important because it’s also affects what’s going to be received by the merchant they’ll they’ll receive what is marked as uh just the general country currency and amount and so this now becomes the checkout page displays you know the original amount and currency converted about in
the request requested currency as well as the exchange rate and so um oftentimes when I see fix side by the requested currency is just what is on the page but then the merchant will receive what is in the original request so I’ll I’ll talk through that um once we do the example here is get daily rate important on seeing the changing rates each day and what Rises and Falls this will be refreshed each day you can read more about it in that link and then payment with that facts here’s just the use case know that
each checkout page does on the back end generate an API request so you won’t need PCI certification if you do use the host checkout page but I did want to also link this as well going to now um working in Postman if you don’t have Postman or haven’t gotten started yet there is a call here I do just have the daily rate um currency exchange and for different currencies you can see uh the different exchanges by currency sell currency and you’ll be able to call those I’m going to head to checkout page with
FX and so here we have um two currencies we have uh year euros and Mexican pesos and so this is going to a specific e-wallet let me just retrieve the balance just so we know okay so we have about uh it looks like 31 000 almost 32 000 Mexican pesos and then 800 euros and let me go now back to looks like it uh was close back to create checkout page I’m gonna remove this uh one payment method so it can show more than one and I’m going to change this to fix side cell and so um we could see now in fixed side cell
remember the requested currency is what the merchant will receive and will go into their wallet so I’m going to generate that checkout page and here it was a success you can see the request here as well as no each request for with FX will have an fx rate a rate charged and so that is in here as well that always will vary and so I have the checkout page here’s card as well as bank and so because it was fix side cell uh we see uh different local payment methods I’m going to make a payment in
here and go through the bank payment simulation looks like it went through now going back to the Wallet balance looks like we received now more Mexican pesos as we create the request the requested currency in fixed side cell will be what the merchant receives and so I’m just gonna do quick some quick requests let’s try Singapore and Singapore dollar being presented and now we see a lot of the payment methods for Singapore I’ll just quickly go and confirm this payment and looks like again received more of the
Mexican pesos coming into the designated wallet for the request now I will change to fix Side by and so what’s going to happen is the requested currency is now kind of changes in what is being presented and the client will actually receive the country or they’ll receive the currency here I’m going to generate it and we will see uh here just the card payment method and so I am just doing a payment here and you do see the amount the payment total is in Mexican pesos so the requested currency is uh what is being
paid for fixed Side by that currency is uh the currency exchange is happening here as well as the listed exchange rate so I’m going to go ahead and pay now and it looks like it’s going through and now let’s take a look at the retrieved wallet balances so remember uh fixed side um for fixed side by the requested currency is not what the client or Merchant is requesting its uh what’s being presented and so they’re going to receive more Singapore dollar and so right now it’s at 1200 and now it went up to 1600 so you kind
of see what is happening with FX and some of the different rates we went through just some of the documentation creating a checkout page and the fixed side variable as well as the requested currency field daily rates and payment with FX page retrieving the Wallet balance seeing the get daily rate API and creating that checkout page to see how the it affected the Wallet balance so if you have any questions be sure to post in the rapid developer Community or you can just comment below thanks again for watching have a great day