What is Merchant Category Code 2842
An MCC, or Merchant Category Code, is a four-digit number assigned by payment processors to classify a business according to the type of goods or services it provides. MCCs are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and are universally recognised by most card issuers.
Merchant Category Code (MCC) 2842 refers to businesses specialising in speciality cleaning, polishing, and sanitation preparations. Understanding this MCC code helps businesses categorise their transaction data effectively, ensuring proper handling by financial institutions.
MCC 2842: Specialty Cleaning, Polishing, and Sanitation Preparations
MCC 2842 is crucial for businesses that engage in the production or retail of cleaning, polishing, and sanitation products.
Businesses under MCC 2842 include:
- Specialty Cleaning Manufacturers: Companies producing bespoke cleaning solutions.
- Polishing Products Suppliers: Retailers offering polishing agents for various surfaces.
- Sanitation Preparations Providers: Producers and suppliers of sanitation chemicals and products.
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