What is Merchant Category Code 1740

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 1740 identifies businesses providing services related to insulation, masonry, stonework, plastering, and tile settings. Understanding the importance of MCCs empowers merchants in these sectors to streamline financial transactions effectively.

MCC 1740: Insulation – Contractors, Masonry, Stonework Contractors, Plastering Contractors, Stonework and Masonry Contractors, Tile Settings Contractors

MCC 1740 is vital for businesses engaged in building and construction crafts. It assists payment processors in categorising the nature of businesses precisely, streamlining reporting and tax procedures.

Industries Classified Under MCC 1740 Include:

  • Insulation Contractors: Specialists in providing thermal and acoustic insulation services.
  • Masonry Contractors: Professionals focused on brick, block, and concrete structure building.
  • Stonework Contractors: Experts in crafting stone elements for construction projects.
  • Plastering Contractors: Providers of plaster and drywall services for both residential and commercial buildings.
  • Tile Settings Contractors: Specialists in flooring and wall tile installations.


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