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2 Icelandic handball players hugging, representing play hard, be fair

Play Hard. Be Fair.

Announcing Rapyd’s Sponsorship of the Icelandic National Handball Team and the Launch of Rapyd Player Scholarships Our recent announcement of Rapyd’s Handball Scholarship program and National Team sponsorship is a reflection of our deep-seated commitment to Iceland. For over 40…

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2 Icelandic handball players hugging, representing play hard, be fair

Spilaðu af krafti. Sigraðu með sæmd.

Tilkynnt um samstarf Rapyd og Handknattleikssamband Íslands (HSÍ) og styrktarverkefnið, Stoðsending Rapyd.  Stoðsending Rapyd og samstarf okkar við HSÍ endurspeglar okkar sterku íslensku rætur sem spanna síðustu 40 ár. Á því tímabili hefur sama dygga fólkið unnið að því að…

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