Why Global Expansion Requires Global Payout Capabilities

We are entering the fourth industrial revolution1: artificial intelligence, robotics, and connected societies are powering new businesses that leverage the broader opportunities of the diverse, global workforce. Platform, marketplace, and gig-economy business models are taking advantage of workers and supply chains across the globe and reshaping the world’s economies. 

But how exactly can businesses effectively engage this diverse labor force? To succeed, these companies must be able to pay workers quickly, securely and in the diversity of methods a global workforce requires. 

Making Cross-Border Payroll Payouts to Developing Markets 

Complex regulatory and logistical challenges often have businesses struggling to pay their global workforce. Effectively moving funds from one country to another requires a combination of country-specific licensing, regulations and payments infrastructure. Tackling these challenges is expensive and time-consuming.

Many fast-growing companies have had to address this issue by creating a difficult-to-manage patchwork of processes and technologies. Some companies rely on their own bank to pay workers and suppliers, which can result in transfers and remittance fees costing more than the amount of the actual payment. This haphazard approach results in a poor experience for workers and suppliers, who may wait days for payments or make multiple trips to the bank. 

Cash Payouts Enable Workforce Inclusion

Additional complexity often arises when dealing with developing nations, where nearly 2 billion workers don’t have bank accounts2 and are therefore unable to receive electronic funds directly. And, for those workers that can receive funds electronically, they still must pay a fee to transfer the funds into cash, a requirement for many populations that still use cash for most of their expenses. 

For example, in India, the number one receiver for remittances3 in the world, most workers prefer cash over bank transfers. Even though most of the population has a bank account4, more than half of those accounts are inactive, and 90% of all transactions within India are made with cash5.

State of Disbursements: Europe

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Keeping Your Global Workforce Engaged and Committed to Your Platform

Companies that can solve this complex landscape of logistical challenges will enjoy a marked advantage that will help them outpace the competition. Timely and reliable payments using local, preferred payment methods build workforce loyalty and a preference for future work. Investing in the right technologies and partnerships to facilitate these kinds of cross-border payments will build the kind of workforce engagement that ensures stability and growth.

When It Comes to Payment and Payouts, the Future Is Integrated Fintech

Enter the Era of Integrated Fintech: rather than waste valuable time and energy navigating these hurdles, a better approach is to work with a partner that already has the licenses and expertise in local payment methods the global workforce requires, including ewallets, credit or debit cards, and cash. By removing regulatory, security and technical friction, Integrated Fintech streamlines financial operations to help businesses enter new markets faster, and keep workers engaged. 

Simplify Global Payouts with Rapyd Disburse.



  1. https://www.weforum.org/focus/fourth-industrial-revolution 
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/06/08/1-7-billion-adults-worldwide-do-not-have-access-to-a-bank-account-infographic/#d9058964b011
  3. https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/migrationremittancesdiasporaissues/brief/migration-remittances-data 
  4. https://www.aljazeera.com/ajimpact/banking-india-people-don-accounts-190621093947054.html 
  5. https://securecdn.pymnts.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/The-Global-Cash-Index-Asia-Pacific-Analysis-June-2018-min.pdf 


Mark Stiltner

Mark Stiltner is a finance and fintech writer. From educating independent investment advisors on retirement plan management to helping families maximize their savings to educating businesses on global payment preferences, Mark has spent over a decade researching and educating audiences on complex financial topics. Mark has been a contributing author on blog articles and educational content for the Bank of Colorado, Pinnacle Bank, TD Ameritrade, First Data and Rapyd.