5 digital trends to watch in the hospitality industry.

Hospitality is changing every day. As we embrace newer and more advanced technologies, the way we shop, book holidays and do just about everything else has changed. With digital now ruling supreme over just about every aspect of our lives, it’s no surprise that hospitality is one of the areas where innovation and trends are becoming more commonplace.

Here are five digital trends to keep your eye out for if you’re in hospitality:

1. Chatbots

When it comes to automation and customer service, these unique bits of tech are certainly causing a stir. Allowing customers to make their booking – no matter how complex – through a virtual helper is the future of hospitality. More than worth investing in if you’re considering upgrading.

2. Review collating sites

In modern hospitality, ratings and reviews are everything. Potential customers are far more likely to take the feedback of their peers and people like them than the information you provide on your marketing. So focusing on providing customers with an experience they will want to review positively is vital, and research suggests that 88% of potential guests filter out any hotels below three stars on review sites.

3. Social media management & marketing

Social media is a must for modern businesses of all shapes and sizes. Hospitality is no exception, and both advertising your hotel on social media and providing customer service via the platform are requirements for success. Facebook currently has 2.2 billion active monthly users, meaning you’re not tapping into a potentially massive audience base if you aren’t investing in social media.

4. Hospitality-specific apps

Mobile integration is one of the biggest trends, and it doesn’t show any sign of slowing. From allowing online orders for room service to providing an app that has information about the surrounding sights and sounds of your hotel, apps are the future for hospitality. 68% of guests would prefer to check-in faster using mobiles, too, yet another reason to invest in an app for your hotel.

5. Augmented reality and the Metaverse

AR might seem like something limited to specific applications. But in hospitality, Augmented Reality is quickly becoming more integrated. From providing information about your hotel room to offering insight into what you can do outside of the hotel, the Metaverse offers unique opportunities that hospitality should not underestimate.

Mark Stiltner

Mark Stiltner is a finance and fintech writer. From educating independent investment advisors on retirement plan management to helping families maximize their savings to educating businesses on global payment preferences, Mark has spent over a decade researching and educating audiences on complex financial topics. Mark has been a contributing author on blog articles and educational content for the Bank of Colorado, Pinnacle Bank, TD Ameritrade, First Data and Rapyd.